written adj. 写成的,书面的;笔记的,成文的。 A written application 书面申请;申请书。 A written contract 书面契约,章程。 A written examination 笔试。 Written language 书写语言,书面语。 Written law 成文法。 A written will 遗嘱。
direction n. 1.方位,方向;范围,方面。 2.〔pl.〕 指挥,指导;管理。 3.〔常 pl.〕指示,命令,吩咐;用法说明。 4.导演;(乐队)指挥。 5.寄发地址。 6.趋向,倾向。 Full directions inside. 内有详细说明。 direction finder [detector] 【无线电】测向仪。 direction finding 定向。 direction finding station 无线电测向站。 direction for use 用法说明。 in all directions 四面八方,各方面。 (reforms) in many directions 各方面的(改革)。 in the direction of 向…方面。 take a new direction 有新倾向。 under the direction of 在…指导下。
Shall i write directions for the taxi driver 要我写下方位给计程车司机吗?
These forms are compatible with languages that follow this writing direction 这些窗体与遵循此编写指导的语言兼容。
On a typewriter , escapement that occurs in the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper 在打字机上,只沿打印方向移动,而在纸上不打印出字符。
In word processing , movement of the writing position in a direction opposite to the writing direction along the writing line 在字(词)处理技术中,书写位置的移动,移动的方向沿著写入行方向,但与写入方向相反。
In word processing , movement of the writing position in a direction opposite to the writing direction along the writing line 在字(词)处理技术中,书写位置的移动,移动的方向沿着写入行方向,但与写入方向相反。
Accordingly , it makes sense for practical or immediate significance to composition teaching and writing direction if we researched into the writing emotion of high school students 因此,探索研究中学生写作情感对写作教学及指导学生写作是很有现实意义的。
It means consideration for different scripts and alphabets used , different writing directions , special processing required to display many languages , and providing appropriate methods for users to input text 它还意味着要考虑所使用的不同脚本和字母表、不同的编写方向、显示许多语言所需要的特殊处理以及为用户提供输入文本的适当方法。
We intercept and capture the read and write system calls via putting the nvram on the request queue . then observing the capacity of the " dirty " data , we redirect the writing direction to the hard disk while detecting the proportion of the " dirty " data exceeds the limit 通过文件系统对数据读写操作流程的分析,在系统的request队列中将其读写的对象置换为nvram ,从而实现数据读写的截取和转向,然后对nvram的脏数据容量进行检测,当其到达nvram容量的一定比例后,调用相应的程序把脏数据对外设回写。